it can happen here
I have a son. You know this. You do not have kids. This you also know. So I am in a position to know what is coming. I know, for example, that at some point in the future you will find yourself deciding where to eat out based solely on which restaurant currently has the best toys. You will even go to a restaurant and then leave again because the toys do not measure up. I also know that you will push a cart through a grocery store at under 100 yards per hour, because someone small is sitting inside the cart in an entirely inappropriate way and it is all you can do not to knock their brains right out of their heads by coming around a corner too fast. You will enter into bargains in bad faith, knowing full well that the other party cannot collect on their part of the deal, as they will be asleep when it comes time to see the deal to completion. I know that even though you cannot draw, you will draw things for someone else to colour in, things which are far removed from their intended depiction. I know all these things, because these things cannot just be happening to me, can they?
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