Shhh. You had me at dicks fuck assholes.

Saw Team America: World Police last night. Max is at the cottage with the inlaws, and we have a weekend to ourselves. I'm not gonna review this, since any review is impossible without giving away at least some of the surprise of watching this cold. Do yourselves a favor; don't read any kind of descriptions or reviews, just see this thing before someone ruins it by telling you their favorite parts. Not knowing how the jokes were going to come was definitely a plus, and I will leave you by saying there is no way to like this movie and then not buy it on DVD. Funnier than SP:B,L&U, I throw down the comedy gauntlet at the feet of the masters.
Also hooked an XBox up to the high def TV last night, that shit truly is a hoot, although the weird XBox cable doesn't separate audio from video, making it kind of impossible to hook the components in the back of the tv and put the sound through the receiver. That's m-soft for ya, thinking like a computer company instead of what they are with XBox, a personal electronics manufacturer. Still, lovely jubbly in 480p. Gotsta rent some actual high def games for the next time, but man, the new star wars was damned impressive. Halo 2 oughta rock large next month.
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