Friday, October 15

That other name's kind of, i don't know...unclear?

Matt and Kate (see the links section) are referring to me by my de facto handle, MattVideo. This is because I am a big fat whiner, so homophobic in my sense of self that I have not been able to brook being called "Matty" since I was 8 years old. That was when I wrote a letter to a city official regarding a traffic light suggestion and they wrote back to me assuming I was a girl. Even though I signed the letter "Matti Price" they wrote back to "Ms. Matty Price." I guess in addition to presuming my gender they thought they'd go right ahead and correct the spelling of my own damn name. Scarred for life.

We are set for Celebration III, the giant american Star Wars convention next spring. I'm gonna need costume suggestions, unless I go ahead and Jabba myself up between now and then. Yup, I figure with a little effort and planning I can hit 400 pounds by New Years, and the big sawbuck should follow soon after. Are you gonna finish that ham the size of a rugby ball?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, since we're going by handles here, shouldn't that be "Tederick and TexasGary" instead of "Matt and Kate"?

Second: you know I'll call you whatever you like. But I'll also go to the wall saying that Matti is more effeminate than Matty. Let me tell ya this: I'm a Matt myself, and when people call me Matty, which only seems to happen at sporting events for some reason, they'd damn well better be thinking "y."

Third: as per your story, wouldn't it be just as plausible to interpret that the city officials assumed you were female based on "Matti," and that the switch to "Matty" was an unrelated typo?

Well, in any event, I love ya. In SUCH a gay way.


p.s. One word: TENDENCIES.

2:31 PM  

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