Hey - babies are like, hard fucking work, man.
I love Max, and no matter what my current mood is about whatever he's doing I never stop completely digging him on the most basic of levels. I think most parents feel that way about their kids, and that's pretty much how we'e programmed to feel on a biological/evolutionary level. So what's with all the parents killing their children lately?
This week alone someone went out dancing for 72 hours while their baby suffocated, a kid fell out of a 7h floor window that didn't have a screen on it, and now a woman beat her daughter to death. What the fuck is up? Are we reporting on it more? (Have you noticed you haven't heard about any truck tires coming off on the 401 lately? funny, that was happening every day last summer) Is it happening more? Is it time to take a serious look at licensing new parents?
The parental license is something that keeps coming up in discussions whenever something like this happens. The problem is, you need a license for most stuff that involves risk in society. Drive a car, fly a plane, own a gun, have a dog, fer crissakes. You need a license for a DOG, but not a baby. WTF is that? Okay, so, how do you actually, you know, design a license like that?
I'm not saying that this is necessarily a great idea, either (Orwellian, anyone?) but it makes for the interesting theoretical discussion, now don't it. Chime in with your comments below. What would such a license require of the licensee? When would it be applied for, at conception or birth, or 3 months after to allow for post-partum? What are the ramifications for personal privacy and the Canadian Charter of Human Rights?
This week alone someone went out dancing for 72 hours while their baby suffocated, a kid fell out of a 7h floor window that didn't have a screen on it, and now a woman beat her daughter to death. What the fuck is up? Are we reporting on it more? (Have you noticed you haven't heard about any truck tires coming off on the 401 lately? funny, that was happening every day last summer) Is it happening more? Is it time to take a serious look at licensing new parents?
The parental license is something that keeps coming up in discussions whenever something like this happens. The problem is, you need a license for most stuff that involves risk in society. Drive a car, fly a plane, own a gun, have a dog, fer crissakes. You need a license for a DOG, but not a baby. WTF is that? Okay, so, how do you actually, you know, design a license like that?
I'm not saying that this is necessarily a great idea, either (Orwellian, anyone?) but it makes for the interesting theoretical discussion, now don't it. Chime in with your comments below. What would such a license require of the licensee? When would it be applied for, at conception or birth, or 3 months after to allow for post-partum? What are the ramifications for personal privacy and the Canadian Charter of Human Rights?
The license gets applied for at puberty. If you flunk the test they chop your balls off, gouge your ovaries out, and send you to the back of the bus.
No, not really: my thought was just that it should involve some sort of psychological testing to determine overall stability and ability to cope with stress and problem-solving. But then if we started doing that, the States would run out of presidential candidates.
how do we control nefarious uses by the government for that test? If I was a potential employer I'd pay anything to get access to the results of that test, wouldn't you?
We don't control it. We let things run rampant. We let the human race devour its lesser members, and build a race of superbeings. Isn't that what he 21st century is supposed to be about?
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