Friday, November 12

today would be a good day to call and invite yourself to dinner

36 hours and 1 very long cartoon filled day later, Max is back at school and everyone (for now) seems healthy. I have been closely monitoring my own health and subsisting on a diet of soup, toast with peanut butter and jujubes. It's hard to resist candy in little serving size bags, post Hallowe'en. Last night I had 8. Speaking of which, when did everyone get together and cancel the apostrophe in Halloween? Was it conscious or just some sort of apostrophe atrophy?

Tried to watch the commentary track for Schizopolis yesterday, but 90 minutes of Stephen Soderbergh interviewing himself about how fantastically brilliant he is (even if the whole thing was tongue in cheek) was just too much to ask. I petered out around half way. It's official: "funny" commentaries on DVDs are just not funny. Not for more than 10 minutes, max. It's like stand up comedy without an audience. I also rewatched "The Untouchables" and was blown away by the score. Who is this Ennio Morricone guy, anyways?

Canada has a new, officially recognized minority now. That's right, some of you out there may be eligible for special grants and programs, and may even be entitled to open a casino on crown lands. Yes, with the addition of so many of my friends' blogs in the last couple months Canada officially has more people blogging than not blogging, making non bloggers a legal minority group. On behalf of everyone I salute the bloggers if only for pointing out how empty the non bloggers lives truly are. You keep writing, and minutiae will never go unnoticed. (Don't think for one second I'm not fully aware of the irony contained in this post.)

Can you imagine what I could blog about if anything significant ever actually happened to me?


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