Saturday, December 4

Fie you, Caliban, FIE!

There's a crazy full on wind and rainstorm going on outside. I just walked through it to get a coffee. I needed the coffee as chemical preparation for the rest of the day. It's a courage screwing up coffee. I should have had it just to get up the courage to go outside. To compensate for my lack of both courage and coffee, I walked to the cafe and back pretending to be Prospero on my island, waving my hands as if to control the wind. Yeah, I got some looks.


Blogger Urban Faery said...

Tempest! I have to know everything there is to know about The Tempest for my exam next Friday! Hmmm. I guess I'm just excited that this course is going to be useful for something. Yay references!

1:26 AM  

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