Sunday, January 9

checks and balances

I had a great weekend, with a really good time with the friday night gang, followed by a great little poker tourney at Katie's (sorry... Kate's) apartment (I'm not writing about the poker, for those of you scoring at home.) This was my chance to say goodbye for a while to Aura, as she winged westward to Tim's loving arms and her very fulfilling career. Hope to see you soon, hope I can come there next time since it sounds way better than here.... and I hope we keep talking and bloggin' it up for many years to come.

I used PAM this weekend for the first time in about 10 years. Buttering things, especially muffin trays is definitely more of a hassle, but after the results were in it may be worth it. PAM things just don't taste as good or have the same mouth feel, even. I'm trying one more batch before I pass final judgement. We'll see.

The reason I don't own a video game console became more evident this weekend, as I pushed aside several hours of late night DVDage in favor of Simpsons Hit n' Run. If I did own a system, I would just alternate between not liking whatever was supposed to be so great, and liking some of it too much, thereby guaranteeing myself no free time whatsoever.

I'm listening to Positively 5th Street in the car these days. Seems like when I'm not playing Poker I'm watching others play or hearing about it.

I'm still working on finding the time to get it together on my character actor thing. It may have to become a monthly commitment, we'll see. In any case, Walter Brennan should be done sometime this week, details as they become available. I'm looking forward to acquiring some sort of secondary computer in the house in the next few months, should make blogging and other pursuits slightly more accessible to me from now on. I'm stuck at work now, putting the finishing touches on a couple of reports, and then it's home, hopefully to watch at least a couple of discs unless homer and his crazy driving beckons and I simply cannot resist.

end transmission.


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