Tuesday, January 4


Welcome, officially, to the ought five edition of my somewhat interesting life! If you are in fact still with me, gentle reader, than I have some announcements to make. Call them resolutions, if you will, and here they are:

1) I am gonna stop going negative. That's right, no more rants, complaints or other generally bad vibe inducing stuff in 2005. But come 2006, I'll be right back to bitching about everything.

2) I am starting a new regular feature: Character Actor of the week. This week's will follow later today. 52 of hollywood's overlooked best and brightest from all periods of filmmaking, including a weekly film festival suggestion of movies to rent.

3) More stuff about Max, starting with wall to wall coverage of his triple play surgery tomorrow. Tonsils, Adenoids and Ear Tube implantation will be discussed in detail.

4) No more stuff about poker. I'll stop writing about it, and just start losing like a man.

5) Matt's gonna make his movie. I'm helping. It will be done.

6) I will accept, and be happy with my TV, finally. The new Sony arrives on the 15th. I'll let you know.

7) I mentioned earlier that I'm slowing down on the whole DVD thing. I am. I'm also getting more focussed. First up, I will complete my quest for Film Noir completeness, completely. After that, Westerns. Then Musicals. What's next? You tell me. Maybe Sci-Fi.

8) I'm definitely cleaning the car. It's a sty.

9) Pictures will be hung, curtains installed, wires hidden, lights added, a bed skirted and furniture replaced some time this year. I vow it. Also I will replace that crappy alarm clock radio with something nicer.

10) I will look at this list in about six months and either laugh, or cry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all excellent. Particularly #2 and #5, the latter because it basically fucks me for backing out.

1:01 PM  

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