Tuesday, December 21

Just Warming Up

Damn, was it cold! Andy must just be cursing Canada all this week. Was out on Sunday night taking in House of Flying Daggers and after it was over I got to relive it by walking outside and feeling the ending of the movie in real time.

I've rediscovered my iPod. After about a 2 month fallow period following the end of the TIFF, I am once again convinced that this little hard drive is my bestest friend in the whole world. Just putting it on global shuffle and having it instinctively guess my mood and inclination proves it to me. Now there's even better news, too: in what I fear is the vapor ware announcement of all times, Belkin just had a press conference to introduce the world to TuneStage. This is a little bluetooth nugget that plugs into the headphone jack on your iPod (or any headphone jack, I guess) and then there's a little receiver piece for the home stereo, and voila! wireless connectivity from the iPod to the stereo, and the damn thing becomes its own remote. How long before the G5 version just builds bluetooth right into the case and I wind up upgrading the whole damn thing?

Other stuff you could do with a bluetooth enabled iPod (besides be the envy of everyone around you)

wireless earbuds (duh!)

personal broadcasting - anyone within 50 feet of your iPod has the ability to hear your stuff on their iPod, if you choose to enable it) or better yet, anyone within 50 feet of anyone within 50 feet, in a kind of ad hoc network style set up

car stereo compliance - build class 2 bluetooth into the car stereo (acura already does this for cell phones) and the damn thing just plays while the pod is in the car

cell phone communication - just pop a little microphone on the wireless earbuds, and have the iPod wirelessly "talk" to your also bluetooth enabled cell phone to allow you to take a call on your iPod automatically while pausing the music. Hell, let the syncing with address book make it so's you can even dial out from the click wheel

Oh, and about Flying Daggers, of course the usual accolades apply, a visual treat yada yada, but also I just kept thinking about how ready I am for an HK actioner to actually be amusing again. The thing that hooked me in the age of Golden Classics wasn't the action per se, it was the unbelievably witty and audacious quality of action that I was seeing. It was like the crazy high school movies my friends were making, but with people that could really move and the budget to blow things up. The sheer insane exuberance of it just seems lost now in a sea of melodrama. And don't get me wrong, I loves the melodrama something fierce, I'm just jonesing for the other thing to come on back. KB Vol 1 seemed to have it, so did the Pei Mei section of 2, but other than that brief respite i'm left wanting.


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