Tuesday, October 26

get off your ass

Things were going so well, Max wise, that I should have known. 4 is tricky. One minute we're going great, he's running through the apartment completely intoxicated with his new halloween costume, and then total and complete meltdown. I mean screaming, kicking, breaking stuff, etc. Nothing can stop him, he is a rage machine converting all sensory input into anger. Which doesn't really bother me that much as long as he does it in his room, but he kept insisting on coming back out and forcing us to speak to him, thus increasing the rage. And it's 8 o'clock. And he's not less worked up, he's more worked up. What do I do?

Times like these make me really appreciate the 2 parent household. This is the part that you don't think about when people raise kids on their own. Certainly I'm no model parent and I don't mean to generalize this since there are clearly some awesome single parents out there. I'm just saying it's easier, much easier when you can take turns being the reasonable one, give the partner a chance to cool down, maybe get some perspective. Take a break. Maybe the 2 parent thing is nature's way of letting us back off once in a while.


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