It's not you, it's me.

Dear Jon,
I don't think I've been this disappointed in you since you came back from 9/11 and blubbered for 15 minutes about how sad you were. As evidenced by your semi-sheepish recap of the events on your show last night, you also think you might not have done everything right this weekend. I feel for you, since I really like you and I love your show, but in all honesty I think you acted like a jackass last friday night. Here's why:
1) IN TRYING NOT TO MAKE LIGHT OF THE PROBLEM, YOU ABANDONED YOUR BEST WEAPON, WIT. Throwing insults around, rising to Carlson's bait like that just is beneath you. Don't outshout somebody you can outclever. You lost your cool, and cool's all you got, man.
2) YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING NEW. I agree with everything you said, but didn't learn a single new piece of information, nor was I shown an existing fact from a new perspective.
3) WAY TOO SMALL A TARGET TO BE WORTH IT. Crossfire doesn't get as big an audience as Emeril live. If you're gonna risk your credibility by hitting somebody head on about their responsibility as media, why not save it till you're in a room with the real villains, Rupert Murdoch, Michael Eisner, Gerald Levin, etc.?
4) HOW COULD YOU LET HIM CALL YOU A BUTT BOY LIKE THAT AND NOT BREAK HIS NOSE? If someone put me on national television, even in front of that small an audience and called me a pussy I would not hesitate to ask that person to step outside. Your dick comment notwithstanding, he made you his bitch for a few seconds there.
5) THE BEST THING ABOUT YOU IS YOUR ABILITY TO HANDLE PEOPLE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH. On your own show I am consistently blown away by your ability to treat even those you find abhorrent with dignity and style. You never give in, but you never forget that they are your guest. They in turn rarely forget that they are your guest. You (and carlson/begala) completely ignored this and went right for vulgarity to make your points.
6) THE NET EFFECT IS FREE PUBLICITY FOR THEIR SHOW, NOT YOURS, IDIOT. You were on their show, making them the winner since now someone might tune in to see if anything like that will happen again.
7) YOU ACCUSED THEM OF BEING THEATRE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THAT MEANS. Of course it's theatre, it's all theatre including what you do, what they do and what goes on in the legislature. Any form of public discourse is theatre. Part of Crossfire's theatre is that they won't ever call it theatre. It would be like the Coen brothers adding a screen crawl at the end of Fargo letting us know they made it up.
Begun, this flame war has....
That's "has," not "is."
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