Sunday, March 6


Hey, here's a question; Why isn't anyone doing video game lacrosse? I got taken out Friday night to the Toronto Rock game at the ACC. The physicality of hockey, the scoring of basketball, the athleticism of soccer, the fans of wrestling. It may well be the perfect sport. Or it may be that I was slightly drunk (3 beers? what was I thinking, I can't drink 3 beers!)

Mostly it just amazes me that there is anywhere as nice to watch a sporting event as the ACC, a basically new building that already feels historic, comfortable and right. It's the little things, like real elevator operators, and those black and white banners with pictures of 1950's fans watching from the gardens. I've been in there maybe 5 times, and every time it's like coming home again.

And about that elevator operator. There's a bunch of us waiting to go up to our seats. The up light is pressed, and the doors open. The up light does not go off, leading us to believe that this car is on its way down. "No, we're going up. Get on!" says the operator. So we do. the doors close, and we promptly head down. Let's face it, folks. If you're operating an elevator these days, it doesn't take any great skill. We all manage to do it practically every day, on our own, with no special training. In fact, the entire expertise of this guy's job is just to know which way the elevator is going. And he got it wrong. Personally, I just feel bad for the guy. He's got the one skill, and he can't even get that right.

*The feeling of drudgery one takes on after prolonged attempts to comfort someone on the loss of a pet.


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