catch up
Max started Karate this week. When I asked him to show me, he came up with a perfect looking punch, delivered with a lot of power for his small frame. He measured his stance, kept his fist tight and his arm came out nice and straight. If he sticks with it for a while, we've promised to buy him his own Gi. He also knows that karate is only for self defense, although he has no idea what self defense might actually be.

Starting next Friday, Canadians will finally be able to see Craft Corner Deathmatch, perhaps the greatest reality TV achievement in the history of the world. HGTV, Friday nights. Its host has already left the show to become the latest addition to the cast of the daily show, so I suppose that means there won't be any more craft corner deathmatches, but at least we can take the time to enjoy the precious few episodes we've got. If it wasn't clear from the name, CCD is a contest style reality show, in which 2 budding martha stewarts compete head to head in various craft based challenges. All in an atmosphere that is somewhere between Iron Chef and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. The judges then pick a winner, who moves on to the bonus round, where that lucky person dukes it out with (and I wish I had thought of this first) the "craft lady of steel". Seriously, it's like crack mixed with chocolate.
The new TV season has otherwise been fairly hit and miss. I've added about 4 shows, Prison Break (enjoyable junk food), Kitchen Confidential, My Name is Earl, and Criminal Minds. I left behind Amazing Race & Numbers, a show which devolved into routine so fast it was scary. I'm hooked on Veronica Mars and Rescue Me. I'm hopeful that Lost will finally deliver a major chunk of the goods next week. I'm dangerously close to giving up entirely on The Simpsons, something that I didn't think was possible. House put together its first truly awful episode ever last week, a maudlin, boring example of a show that betrayed everything it used to be about. Let's hope it was just a one off anomaly.
I just realized that by February, I'll be finished collecting Film Noir for the most part. I'll have to pick something else to concentrate on after that. Westerns? Musicals? 70's Thrillers? Silents? 80's Teen Comedies? The choices are truly overwhelming. Maybe I'll just pick up every single criterion collection title. I can afford to get about 3 per month, so I should be finished by approximately 2013.

Starting next Friday, Canadians will finally be able to see Craft Corner Deathmatch, perhaps the greatest reality TV achievement in the history of the world. HGTV, Friday nights. Its host has already left the show to become the latest addition to the cast of the daily show, so I suppose that means there won't be any more craft corner deathmatches, but at least we can take the time to enjoy the precious few episodes we've got. If it wasn't clear from the name, CCD is a contest style reality show, in which 2 budding martha stewarts compete head to head in various craft based challenges. All in an atmosphere that is somewhere between Iron Chef and Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. The judges then pick a winner, who moves on to the bonus round, where that lucky person dukes it out with (and I wish I had thought of this first) the "craft lady of steel". Seriously, it's like crack mixed with chocolate.
The new TV season has otherwise been fairly hit and miss. I've added about 4 shows, Prison Break (enjoyable junk food), Kitchen Confidential, My Name is Earl, and Criminal Minds. I left behind Amazing Race & Numbers, a show which devolved into routine so fast it was scary. I'm hooked on Veronica Mars and Rescue Me. I'm hopeful that Lost will finally deliver a major chunk of the goods next week. I'm dangerously close to giving up entirely on The Simpsons, something that I didn't think was possible. House put together its first truly awful episode ever last week, a maudlin, boring example of a show that betrayed everything it used to be about. Let's hope it was just a one off anomaly.
I just realized that by February, I'll be finished collecting Film Noir for the most part. I'll have to pick something else to concentrate on after that. Westerns? Musicals? 70's Thrillers? Silents? 80's Teen Comedies? The choices are truly overwhelming. Maybe I'll just pick up every single criterion collection title. I can afford to get about 3 per month, so I should be finished by approximately 2013.
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