Monday, March 7

Sunday at the big box mall

Leah spent the day enjoying her birthday present, spa treatments at the elmwood. I spent the day trying to exhaust Max so he would be suitable company for his grandparents while we went out for Erik's birthday dinner. Random stuff:

1) Ben and Jerry's closes for the winter. What, people don't like ice cream because it's cold outside? Open up and let me at that creamy goodness, especially after I promised it to Max so he'd leave the Best Buy without a scene.

2) I will resort to bribing my son with the promise of ice cream when he is reluctant to leave a store.

3) Universal Grill really does make nice food. Dry rub ribs, yam fries, a vinagrette spinach salad with warm portobello mushrooms. Yum. Not cheap, but damn good and not crazy expensive either.

4) The Devil and Daniel Webster remains a hella good film. Incredibly expressive and creepy, it's like Citizen Kane's evil sibling. And Walter Huston, man alive what can you say? Like buttah. Not to mention perhaps the best film score ever written, a rollicking tour through copland-esque americana mixed with some of the most progressive electronic techniques available in 1941. One scene is scored using the hum that comes off of telephone wires.

5) Max is getting too heavy to carry. Isn't there some sort of built in switch that says when you get to a certain weight, you can also wake yourself up enough to walk to the car?

6) Clue jr, the board game I can play with a kid? $17. Playing hard and still having the 5 year old win? Priceless.


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