Sunday, October 31

superman=mc pee pants ('cause he likes candy, G)

a nice weekend, kicked off with tickets to a sneak for The Incredibles, certainly my favorite pixar movie, and the best thing Brad Bird's ever done. Maybe the best superhero movie ever, too. I also picked up America: The Book, and then put together some tasty vittles for the party last night. A good time was had, and it was nice to see everybody looking spiff. I can't wait until I'm far enough into Buffy to understand what Matt was dressed as. 3QF is starting to be the place to be.

Oh yeah, I should mention that I've finally gotten over my fear of commitment and I'm working my way through the Buffy DVDs. It makes getting married and having a kid seem like dalliances.

Today was split between me time and Max time. Spent the morning enjoying the fab breakfast burrito at Easy, then picked up the kid and lazed around watching I Robot... You Jane whilst a pumpkin was carved not five feet away from me. Then Max got bored with that so he indulged in some treehouse teevee as I slumbered on the couch. Then it was time to slick back his hair with enough gel to style a medium sized chimpanzee and spend over twenty minutes making the curl on his forehead. On with the costume and out the door we went. The upper beaches, east of woodbine between gerrard and kingston road is prime territory for trick or treating. More houses had front yard dioramas than did not have them, and fewer than 10% were dark. Plus out of his entire haul there were exactly no lame candies. Not a single gross halloween orange and black wax paper wrapped "toffee" gauranteed to rip bridgework out at fifty paces. No lame unwrapped candy pumpkins that would need to be discarded for fear of tampering. The worst thing he got would have to be rockets, and frankly I love rockets.

I'll have a pic up this week.


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