Sunday, January 23

Some lousy fish came and stole all my ice cubes

In the last 72 hours I have:
Made all final plans for Leah's birthday tea next week
Planned an impromptu birthday brunch for a friend
helped approve the birthday planning for Max's party next month

hmm... patterns. Or all things come in threes, or whatever you want to call it.

Supporting Players is already at a standstill, as I quickly realized that after Walter Brennan most of the other people I want to write about are going to require actual research. Damn, I wish everything just wrote itself. I'm also trying to come up with a one minute movie, now that the theme's been announced. Intersections. That about covers everything, doesn't it? Next year I'd like the theme to be chocolate pudding, or something else equally as constraining. Then I could write a movie.

We spent this very cold (as in people are using witch's tits for mittens*) and horribly snowy day inside for the most part. Partly because my new TV was delivered and I had to wait around for it to get here, and partly because once I've waited around until noon in my pajamas, there's no point getting dressed at all. Which was a mistake, where Max is concerned. A four year old should not spend an entire day in the bedroom, engaged in an impromptu Simpsons marathon of his own making.

I did go out to get groceries, a surprisingly stressful endeavor. I like to get groceries. I find it a weirdly zen exercise, going up and down the aisles, looking at every single thing, thinking about what I'd like to eat, buying the ingredients, lazily checking out of the self checkout machine. It's some quality me time. Done properly, I can burn through around three hours and really really enjoy it. But I never have that kind of time, to just do what is essentially nothing.

Today was a good example. Despite the dangerous driving and relentless snow, Loblaws was packed like it was free turkey day over there. A couple of the aisles were unnavigable there were so many carts in them. And it was getting late. And we were all together. And after a day inside staring at a tube, Max gets somewhat restless and cranky. I kept it together nicely, and in fact my mood was and has remained basically carefree through the shop and the hurriedly-prepared-but-really-quite-nice dinner (broiled salmon fillet, baby spinach salad with croutons from scratch, sticky rice infused with thai broth, fresh whole grain bread) and I came out the other side none the worse for wear, so in fact i had a quite terrific day. I'm not complaining at all. But I miss just zoning out and thinking about all the stuff I'm gonna put in a lasagna later that week.

*thanks to Messrs. Stewart and Wiltfong, of the show that is daily.


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