Monday, January 17


Matt just posted in such a way as to make me think that Jonathan Frakes had just died. Hmmm....I don't think I was ready for Riker to be the first to go. My money was on Deanna, in some sort of car accident/beheading type deal. Not because I dislike her, just because of the exotic/Mamie Van Doren quality of it all.

My last work weekend was as uneventful as always, as I saw not more than one person all day on Saturday, and no one at all on Sunday. 11 hours worked, not one thing accomplished. Very satisfying indeed. I re-read subculture to pass the time. Then I went home and Max and I watched the Simpsons dvds. Max is still relating to it primarily as a show based on his favorite videogame. This lead to complaints about why the show doesn't have more scenes of Homer running people over in his car. Max's favorite part of every episode remains the opening credits when Homer is almost run down on his way from garage to living room. I expect he's getting as much out of this as I did from the Flintstones, which is depressing to even think about. How can something I and millions of others feel is televisions' towering cultural achievement be reduced to quaint semi-interest in the space of one generation?

My scones were a success. They are delicious, freeze well and give me all the excuse I need to consume more double thick cream and apple butter (good on scones, awesome on pancakes.) I have conceded on the party sandwich front, and will now be ordering the usual assortment from the pickle barrel as always. I am tired of the same old cat food, but cannot resist the overwhelming tide of public opinion as to its' innate superiority over the more exotic fare I would choose. I would like to serve curried chicken salad with walnuts, Asparagus with montrachet and prosciutto, Watercress and cucumber, and on and on, but it's pointless. There are seemingly only two possible outcomes of that course of action. I will blow it, making the sandwiches poorly, or more likely I will do an excellent job and no one will like what I've made and will secretly whisper that they wish there was plain old tuna and salmon like there always is. So I officially cave. I told my mother last night on the phone; she seemed relieved.

I also managed to make a small veggie stirfry side dish that did not suck. It tasted better to me than to anyone else, because it had the delicious aroma of me climbing back on the horse. I still want an honest to god hand hammered wok, but I currently don't know where I would store such an item and so perhaps I will wait until I have cleared a spot to put it away.

My conquest of DVD land continues apace. This weekend marked the crossing off of several big items; North by Northwest (the print is luminous), Godfather & Godfather II commentaries (now I just have to watch III and hear commentary in order to retire the set) and the Howard Hawks Scarface. Also I only have about a disc and a half left on Simpsons season 5, so pretty soon I'll be able to crack into the Seinfeld boxes and relive all the greatness there is. My shelf of unwatched goodness continues to shrink down to a manageable size. Soon I might even be able to start purchasing things again. I'm heading down the home stretch now.


Blogger aura hertzog said...

If you go to your local upermarket ask them for a pullman loaf. This means sliced horizonatly not vertically which will give you a long piece of bread to work with. You can then them to remove the crusts for you. Having a large piece of bread makes it easy to cut into fingers, or roll into pinwheels. Another good and even easier soltion is but some wraps, put your most delicatbele and interesting ingredients inside roll, make sure there is lots of spread on the egdes (acts as a glue), and roll them up tightly, you can then cut these in half on a basis to make nice looking wraps or cut them into pinwheels. Everyne will be super super impressed. Any questions, I am there for you. Also here is a cooks secret, tea sandwiches are best made with day old simple breads. Sad but true. Did you forget I was responsible for tea service at the windsor arms hotel?

3:01 PM  

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