Tuesday, April 19


How would you know for sure. I mean, beyond any doubt how could you know? You all know what I mean, I mean look around, people. It's here. It's a dystopia, and we're living in it just as happy as can be. Want evidence? Okay, here's what I've got so far:

1) The US government, basically the government of the world (if it's not, why is the appointment of their ambassador to the UN a more important story than the appointment of the Secretary-General of the UN?) are lying to us, all the time. They've used a vague threat of something bad possibly happening to someone somewhere at the hands of shadowy terrorist groups as an excuse to enact enormous legislation that turned the US into the biggest police state in history, a place where 10,000 people can be arrested in one day.

2) More than half the people you meet are taking some sort of mood and personality altering drug just to stay within societal behavior norms. Ritalin, Paxil, Viagra, Zoloft, Booze, Cannabis, Prozac. If we're all drugged up, where are the real people we used to be? You know, the bitchy ones nobody got along with?

3) From public school on, the goal of education is career training, nothing more. A liberal arts background is something to be ridiculed as a complete waste of time. Nobody learns just to make themselves a better person, we've replaced learning with training, an odious concept designed to generate ever more efficient cogs in the gearbox of consumption.

4) The Graduate is only available in a non-anamorphic, letterboxed DVD. This alone makes our society broken, almost beyond repair.

5) Our government lied, stole our money, lied about stealing our money, used the money to kick back most of it to themselves, didn't actually buy any of the influence over Quebec that they were hoping for, and are still the only electable party in the land.

What if it is broke? How do we fix it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this isn't the best thing any one of us has written in the month of April, I don't know what is. Well done! And also I fell off my ass laughing about the Graduate thing.
(oh you know how to spell it; I'm too lazy to fix it)

3:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait I came up with another one: the fact that FedEx can charge you a fee to charge you a fee. Can that be number 6? I just got my waybill for the lightsabre, and they're charging me a $40 handling fee to charge me a $60 duty fee. Fuck the feds.

10:43 AM  

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