Wednesday, April 20

oh Lisa, that's a load of fresh creamery butter

I really have no plan for the next few days. Even though I've known I was making this trip for over six months, I still have only the barest idea what I'm doing once I get there. I posted earlier that I've never been a member of a fan club. I've also never attended a "con". Not a comic-con, not a technology fair, nothing. I suppose the film festival has some aspects in common with what I'm about to go through (the sleeplessness, the intense interactions, the bemused observation of humanity and its foibles.) In any case, the plan looks like it consists of glomming on to either Jason, Matt or Chad and just letting them steer the ship. I plan to take it free and easy, buy something unnecessary but cool for Max's room, and just enjoy eating the insane food portions available in a US restaurants (Denny's Breakfast Bowls?!?)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LIsten! You must blog! It's very

I can't currently type because I'm currently drunk.


(3QF mex-fest '05)

12:51 AM  

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