Thursday, July 28

He's back from the past to save the future from... Oh, never mind.

Okay, so this is the new look for spring. The very latest in slumber breathing assist technology, and it's mine all mine, man. I could not be happier, since it's been a year of feeling better and better tempered with the growing concern that my health was being compromised by a progressively more damaged skin area on the bridge of my nose. This mask not only reverses that concern, but I mean, come on, that thing is dead sexy to boot. It's even better up close and personal, if you know what I mean.

I'm off to the cottage this weekend, for food and fun. The water is warmer than it's ever been, the beer will be cold, and Jumbalaya, ribs and Vietnamese Salads abound. Also, check back for the first ever Mamo recorded in a gazebo. I'm headed to a few specialty stores tonight, doing the big shop on the way up tomorrow, and then back to reality on Tuesday.

In 2 weeks, I'll be in Barcelona.

Tuesday, July 26

He's losing his memory... but finding his conscience

As excited as it is possible for me to get about any movie, that's how intensely jazzed I am that sony classics picked up The Alzheimer Case. Miraculously, I managed not to review it for Tederick's coverage last year (sorry, dude) but it was in fact my 2nd favorite movie of the fest and easily made my 2004 top ten. It lands in theatres at the end of September, which means a DVD release probably in time for my birthday. See it before it gets remade with Nicholson, Newman, Redford or Beatty.


Friday, July 22

ummm.... Ouch?

Up up and away...

Mamo! continues to astonish me. Since I started doing it, it's quickly become my favorite 45 minutes of the week, a chance to "get it all out" on whatever is happening. I'm also proud of it a way that I haven't been of any of my other work.

I'm also just plain grateful that people like it. I'm doing everything I can to list it in as many directories and programs for podcasts as is humanly possible. We're now accessible through Odeo, iPodder, PodcastAlley, CanadaPodcasts and Itunes is still under review (who knows how long that could take?) but still I expect to be there eventually.

That's why I can't stop loving this:

We had our best day ever for downloads yesterday, and the trend continues upwards. So thank you to everyone who reads this; for being able to take the time to listen that. You're feeding my soul here, people.

Wednesday, July 20

We need more power.

Here's hoping there's as much adventure in the next undiscovered country, old friend.

R.I.P. 3/3/1920-20/7/2005

Monday, July 18

72 hours ought to be plenty of time to finish a fucking book.

Last week, when some consumers inadvertently, but legally, acquired the new Harry Potter book from a grocery store in Coquitlam, B.C. they found themselves the subjects of the most insane court order possibly ever issued by a Canadian court.

"(Raincoast Press) sought and obtained a court order banning reading and discussion of a children's book. In fact, Raincoast had asked the court to go even further, by compelling purchasers to disclose the names, addresses and other contact information of any other person with whom each had discussed the book's contents."

Apart from my feeling, stronger than ever, that the emperor truly has no clothes on at this point (more on that in a paragraph or two) I'm just wondering when exactly it became okay in a free society to compel citizens not to divulge information that could affect the sales of someone's book? Why exactly are the courts supposed to care about this? Besides, had I been the subject of the order, I can't think of a better test case for individual freedom than this one. Those dozen or so people should have set up a website and crowed the spoilers like there was no tomorrow. Can you imagine the circus if someone had actually been fined or imprisoned for giving away the ending of a book?!?

I've finished reading the first 2 of the series so far. I've seen the movies as they've come out. The movies are better, so far as I can tell, since the books themselves read like the longest screenplay treatments ever written. Nicely plotted, well constructed, sloppily written and without an ounce of real wit. Boring, Boring, Boring. The more the mania spreads the more indifferent I find myself to the entire enterprise.

Plots and plot points are the least interesting reasons to read a book, anyways. I know how Winnie the Pooh and Alice in Wonderland and the Oz books "come out". BFD. What amazes me about actually reading those books, or Narnia ar any of the hundred or so children's works I would place head and shoulders above the Potter series is the writing. Read Alice in Wonderland and just marvel at the language, the levels of meaning, the pure whimsy and delight of it all. Rowling can't hold a bloody candle to this. Knowing her plots in advance really does ruin the books, because frankly that's all they have going for them in the first place. Getting courts to issue injunctions around them strikes me as the ultimate expression that corporations really do run things around here thank-you-very-much. It all combines into a pretty compelling argument to just stop paying attention to it all together.

Thursday, July 14

Let us dedicate our memories to the spirits of the Eldar who came to us from the Ocean that lies to the West.

I finished the last of the Return of the king today, at least the last of it that I can reasonably conceive of getting through. I'm sure that at some point in the future I'll want to sit down to 17 hours of actor, designer and post producer commentaries. But not today. PJ and Fran and Phil are enough, thank you.

I will say this; as much as my appreciation of the movies continues to grow upon every successive viewing (I'm now kind of mentally reviewing my all time list to see just how high up they rank) I was probably just as moved, if not more emotionally struck by watching the making of material as I was by the films themselves. Regardless of the achievements of Gandalf et al, it seems much more awe inspiring to think about a hardy little band of kiwi's getting up the gumption to take on the standard bearer fantasy story and not just wrestle it on to the screen, but do it with the grace and elegance and wit and perseverance and forebearance that they did it with. The feat of making the movies seems at least as miraculous as the stories themselves.

Friday, July 8

Mamo! Jr. You know, like Donkey Kong Jr it has nothing to do with the original.

This is Max, on a TV he made himself. He even cut out a little cardboard rectangle for the remote. Right now I think we're watching the news, but it might be a new episode of Gundam Force where he plays all the robots. You have to use your imagination.

Wednesday, July 6


Heyyyy! Looking for that certain something for the star wars geek that has everything? Then get a load of this! Yes, that's right, Gary Kurtz is havin' hisself a fire sale, kids. Like a garage sale where everything is that impossible to find import reissue of Dark Side of the Moon where you can hear David Gilmour make a mistake, this is a one of a kind opportunity for someone with way too much room on your credit card. Gentlemen, start your excessive justifying of the absolutely unnecessary purchase....... now.

Monday, July 4


Just realized I haven't blogged in a long, long while. Especially unforgiveable, since I spent the last 3 days batching it. No distractions, no excuses, just some dedicated me time. True to form, I spent it by squandering the nice weather, and just watched movie after movie after movie. 3 on Friday (Batman again, this time in Imax, Mr&Mrs Smith and War of the Worlds) Then got through the entire long assed Lord of the Rings saga, all 13 hours of it on Saturday, in addition to one of my film noirs, The Big Clock. Sunday I took a break, went to the Tulip for a big breakfast, found a place in Toronto where you can get real honest to god Andouille and Tasso (!) and then did my third Mamocast of the last 3 weeks. People actually seem to be listening, too. Comments have come in from 3 continents so far. Sunday night was yet another noir, The Street With No Name, and that rounds out my weekend.

I want to blog and have lots of nice funny things to say, but I just spent another 12 horrendously stressful hours at work and I really can't muster up the funny right now. But click on the link and listen to Mamo. It's really good, and a nice way to spend 30 minutes, I promise.
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